
Library Association Board

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou

The Neilson Hays Library Association Board is responsible for the management of the Neilson Hays Library, including: maintenance, the selection of books for the collection, and the employment and supervision of all personnel. The Board meets on a monthly basis, with an Annual General Meeting held in the first quarter of every year.

Officers of the Association Board include:

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Galleries Curator Library Systems Coordinator Book Buying Coordinator Children’s Programs Coordinator Adult Programs Coordinator Volunteer Coordinator Communications Coordinator Membership Coordinator Marketing Coordinator

Following Dr. Hays’ wishes, the Board is constitutionally comprised of twelve ladies. However, we very much welcome and value our male volunteers, members, and Friends of the Library. There are many opportunities for all of our members to get involved.

In addition to the Association Board, day-to-day Library operations are managed by our staff consisting of an Office Manager, Librarian, Librarian Assistant, and Housekeepers. Professional services such as gardening, pest control and facilities maintenance are contracted to assist with the upkeep of our beautiful gardens, and ensure we protect the structural integrity our historic building in Bangkok’s tropical weather conditions.