
Friends of the Library

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” — Margaret Mead

Offering your time as a volunteer with the Library is a rewarding and social experience. The Neilson Hays Library is fortunate to have a dedicated team of volunteers who generously give their time to assist in the operations and programs of the library. Volunteers are needed throughout the year in roles such as:

  • Assisting with second-hand book sale events (sorting, pricing, cashiering)
  • Assisting at children’s program events
  • Planning and assisting at adult’s events and fundraisers
  • Leading and assisting with school visits
  • Preparing press releases and newsletter coordination
  • Assisting with social media and website updates
  • Providing graphic design expertise

Members of the library and the wider community are warmly encouraged to volunteer with the library. Please submit your interest at volunteer@neilsonhayslibrary.org and we will be in touch with you shortly.