
Community fundraising is integral to Neilson Hays Library’s continued viability. As the oldest not-for-profit organisation in Thailand, we warmly welcome financial assistance with our endeavours, from both the corporate sector and the community. Your contributions assist us with maintaining our landmark and providing a variety of programs and books. There are many ways that you can help.

Areas of Support

Gifts to the general fund will support areas of greatest need throughout the year. This may include: operations, staffing, equipment, events/programs and other library initiatives.

Programming Sponsorship

The Neilson Hays Library welcomes support from the corporate sector. We often collaborate with corporate sponsors for on-going and major programs such as, Saturday Story Time, holiday events, Neilson Hays Bangkok Literary Festival, and fundraising activities. We are happy to discuss ways in which we can work together.

We are grateful to receive on-going sponsorship from the following: