Membership Rules and Benefits

We look forward to you joining us.

Thank you for your interest in Neilson Hays Library. Please fill out the application below to complete your membership. Payment can be submitted online as follows or in person at the Library. Your library card should be available within a couple days after your payment is received and can be picked up at the Library circulation desk.

Membership Rules and Benefits

1. The Library shall be open for the use of members: Tuesday-Sunday, 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. The Library is closed on Mondays and on public holidays as announced.

2. The following membership fees and entitlements shall apply:
Type Borrowing Privileges

  • Family 15 books (includes 4 new books)
  • Single Adult 10 books (includes 2 new books)
  • Senior Citizen (over 65) 10 books (includes 2 new books)
  • Single Child (up to age 12) 10 children’s books (includes 2 new books)

*** Book deposit : 500 Baht for all membership types***
3. Upon payment of membership fee, members may check out one hardcover book and as many paperbacks as they wish. Upon receipt of membership card, members may commence borrowing books up to the limit specified for their type of membership.
4. Members are requested to be considerate of each other and not borrow more than 4 “new” books at a time [Family] for Adult, Single Child – not more than 2 new books. Books are considered “new” for approximately 1 year from the time they are first put on the shelf, and will be stamped “Two Weeks” on the due date slip.
5. “New” books may be borrowed for a period of two weeks. Other books may be borrowed for a period of four weeks, and are renewable upon application to the Library for ONE additional loan period UNLESS PREVIOUSLY RESERVED BY ANOTHER MEMBER. Books may be renewed under the above-listed circumstances either in person or by phoning 02-233-1731 during library hours.
6. Members not resident in Bangkok may borrow the number of books allocated by their membership for an extended period of two months. No renewal period will be allowed, and such members may not borrow “new” books for more than two weeks. This privilege does not extend to Bangkok residents who are traveling.
7. The member shall be wholly responsible for the return of the books in his/her possession when due. Fines on overdue books shall be 5 Baht per book per day, up to a maximum of 500 Baht. Fines will be assessed on a seven-day/week basis, and will cease to accrue when the book is returned, either at the desk or to the book drop near the front gate.
8. If, after a period of three months, overdue books have not been returned, the book shall be deemed lost and the member shall be invoiced for the cost of replacement + shipping charges. Until this has been paid, regretfully membership shall be suspended. If a book is lost, paid for, and subsequently found again within three months of payment, full refund can be given, provided a replacement has not yet been ordered.
9. The member shall be wholly responsible for the book(s) in his/her care and for their return in good condition. In case of damage – including missing pages, writing or marking in book – the member shall pay a sum as assessed by the librarian, up to the replacement value of the book.
10. Books may be reserved through the librarian at

Cancellation and Refund
The book deposit will be donated to the library if not collected within 2 years of your membership expiration.